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    This Dry Ice Sublimation Experiment Will Probably Blow Your Mind


    Bubbles are fun. Science is fun.

    You'll need a few things:

    Dish soap



    Funnel, $5.63

    Plastic tubing, $5.93



    2-liter bottle

    Box cutter

    Dry ice

    1. Mix 1/4 cup of dish soap with 5 cups of water (it doesn't have to be exact) in a large bowl.

    2. Snake the plastic tube ($5.93) into the funnel ($5.63) and tape it in place.

    3. Cut the bottom off of an old plastic soda bottle.

    4. Use salad tongs or rubber gloves to place the dry ice into the bottle. Pour warm water into the bottle.

    5. Quickly cover the bottle with the funnel, maintaining control of the tube.

    6. Submerge the tube in the soapy water to make bubbles.

    Dry ice is basically solid carbon dioxide that automatically transitions from a solid to a gas. This process is called sublimation.

    Sometimes science is stranger than fiction.

    Watch the full video here.

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