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    This DIY Ice Cream Is A Delicious Science Experiment

    Watch it transform before your very eyes!

    You can totally make this ice cream without leaving your house and it is hundo-P ~hand-churned~.


    ½ cup half-and-half or heavy cream

    1 tbsp sugar

    ¼ tsp vanilla extract

    1/4 c raspberries, blueberries, or desired amount of other flavor

    4 cups ice cubes

    1/2 c rock salt

    * This only serves one person so when your friends ask for some you can actually mean it when you say, "Sorry, there's not enough."


    # Mix half-and-half or cream, sugar, vanilla extract, and raspberries or other flavor in a sandwich-size Ziploc bag.

    # Mix 4 cups of ice and rock salt in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag.

    # Place the sandwich bag into the bigger bag.

    # Shake until you reach your desired creamy consistency.

    Watch the full video here.

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