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    Turns Out That Ice Cube Trays Are The Unlikely Solution To These 4 Problems

    This ain't your average coffee cube.

    1. Freeze your leftover herbs by stuffing them in ice trays and filling the space with olive oil.

    2. Freeze avocado that is going bad faster than you can consume it (a shocking conundrum).

    3. Blend two apples, a cup of greek yogurt, and a cup of water and freeze (in trays, duh). Pull the DIY noms out anytime for a treat that your pup will love.

    Cuz, baby, you can have whatever you like.

    4. Freeze aloe vera gel if you are burnt AF.

    Watch the full tutorial here.

    Facebook: video.php

    Catch up with more cool tricks on BuzzFeed's Nifty.

    Check out 12 Brilliant Uses For Ice Cube Trays for more ideas pertaining to ice trays.