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    5 Ways Yard Work Can Kill, Maim Or Blind You

    We're guessing you're going to spend a lot of time this season mowing, raking, trimming and gardening in your yards. Nothing wrong with that. It's a great way to bond with the family, improve your curb appeal, and get some much-needed exercise. That is, unless it kills you first. Each year, thousands of us are rushed off to emergency rooms—and morgues—with yard work-related injuries, from missing digits, to freshly mowed feet. Read on to learn how that glorious green yard of yours can turn on you in an instant. Take notes and keep them on hand for when you need an answer to the question: "Why isn't the yard work done yet?!" SEE ALL 11 WAYS YARD WORK CAN KILL, MAIM OR BLIND YOU AT THISOLDHOUSE.COM

    • 1. Your Lawn Gives You Cancer

      Green is good, right? Well, not always. Especially when it comes to a lawns that get their emerald greenness via heavy doses of chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. Those chemicals are associated with everything from breathing problems to certain types of cancers in humans (not to mention dogs and cats). A new study even found a disturbing link between lawn chemicals and Attention Deficit Disorder. SEE HOW YOUR LAWNMOWER CAN SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE...REALLY.

    • 2. Chainsaw Massacres

      No big surprise that this Texas terror tool can inflict some pretty mass destruction. In fact, each year, about 36,000 of us are rushed to the ER for chainsaw-related injuries. And doctors almost always see an uptick of injures following thunderstorms, hurricanes and other natural disasters, as chainsaws are busted out to take care of fallen trees and branches.

    • 3. Your Garden Turns Into A Sinkhole

      Picture a sunny day in your backyard paradise. You're at the helm of your gas grill, gleefully sizzling up some T-bones while the wife serves up Harvey Wallbangers from her bar cart. Yes, indeed, it's a fine day in Suburban America. That is until a giant sinkhole opens up and devours you, your guests, the bar cart--even your house. OK, it's unlikely, but if you live in a state where sinkholes are commonplace—we're talking to you, Florida!—it could happen. SEE HOW YARDWORK CAN GIVE YOU LYME DISEASE

    • 4. Killer Bees

      Getting stung by a wasp or a bee is one of the most unpleasant sensations known to man. For some of us, it can even be downright deadly. About 100 Americans die each year due to allergic reactions to insect bites or stings. If you're allergic, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, keep emergency supplies, like adrenaline, on hand, and try not to walk around with sweet beverage in hand, since bees love them as much as we do. MORE: 9 Deadliest Wildlife Home Invaders

    • 5. You Have A Heat Stroke

      Heat related illnesses--from cramps to strokes--happen when your body's ability to dissipate heat is overtaken by high temperatures. According to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control, 3,342 people died of heat sicknesses from 1999 to 2003. And remember, those with a history of cardiovascular disease are particularly susceptible. SEE HOW YOU CAN FALL OFF OF A LADDER...TO YOUR UNTIMELY DEATH