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    President Obama Dared To Compare ISIS To Christian Crusaders

    Religion and War EXCERPT From "After President Obama's remarks comparing ISIS militants to medieval Christian crusaders ignited a firestorm of criticism on Thursday, ABC News wanted to know: how accurate is that comparison?" ~~~ The articles I've posted claim that religion is not used very often as a cause for war and that President Obama was wrong to use The Crusades as a comparison to the ISIS terrorist attacks... I say to that, (using a statement Hillary Clinton made during the Republican Benghazi Smear Campaign against her)... "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" WAR and Territorial Disputes, are scourges on the human condition, we should have evolved long ago a desire for peace over war and use our intelligence to resolve differences with the objective use of words and understanding, instead of bombs and weapons that cause great suffering upon our own species. It appears that Education, Facts or Reality (even Religion) cannot stop people from hurling that proverbial first stone at those they believe are evil and NOT A BIT like themselves, who must fight for what's (delusionary) good for (only their own) humankind? thinkingblue If We Do Not End War - War Will End Us. ~H.G. Wells~ ~~~~

    Historians Weigh in on Obama's Comparison

    Crusade Definition:

    Let's go back in time when George W Bush used the Crusades as the same comparison.

    Interesting opinion on using Religion as a cause for war.

    A Cartoon That's Worth A 1000 Words.

    If We Do Not End War - War Will End Us. H.G. Wells