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    An Ode To The East African Land Snail

    BuzzFeed has had lists about dogs, cats, turtles, and lizards, but never snails!

    ICYMI: These guys are taking over the world.

    No, really! The East African Snail is coming for us!

    Here's a scouting party of them, on their way to test the earth's defenses.

    This is what our future looks like.

    So, to welcome our eventual snail overlords, let's celebrate their cuteness!

    Here's one taking a shower.

    View this video on YouTube

    One got a little hungry. Trying to take over the world burns a lot of energy!

    This is what they look like on the inside.

    This little girl is really unimpressed with one of them.

    Hopefully, the snails find it in their hearts to kill us with kindness rather than by destroying our ecosystem.