

I'm a little strange. That's all you really need to know about me.... But, in case you were wondering.... Biscuits are seriously the best food ever, i think i could live off of them. Biscuits and eggs. Biscuit sandwiches. Add jelly or peanut butter and they're really good. Gravy is occasionally a good topping too :P I can drive a stick. My car is a Chevy Cavalier. It's cool. Has some awesome stickers on it (thanks for the pin-stripes Jeremy!!!) I love my friends. We have crazy good times at Steak n' Shake. I use a Mac that is covered in stickers and has little nail-polish flowers on it. Green is an awesome color. But so is a nice deep red or even orange. The Beatles are the best thing that ever happened to music. And horses are super fun to ride. I own an English Ivy named George and a cactus name Mickey. My cat is named Jack, is orange and white, and is ridiculous in all things he does. I have three other cats. Sassy is black and really really old. Lives in my laundry room and comes out when there's food. Smokie is grey and fat and she likes to stalk Sassy and attack Jack. Calie is a calico. She's got a lot of health problems but you have never ever in your life met a sweeter cat. She's also in love with Jeremy. I like to sew. Like, maybe too much. Naw. One day maybe I'll make some money at it. I don't know. And salsa is the shiz nit. Seriously. Give me some medium or hot salsa with some tortilla chips and I'll be set for the night.

Jul 2011
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