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    Famous Cat From Quebec Speaks Out About Feline Declawing

    Even though it is legal in Canada, feline declawing still remains a very controversial issue. Declawing is actually illegal in over 22 countries accross the Globe (and may soon be illegal in New York State USA). It is considered to be inhumane and veterinary mal-practice. To understand why declawing is illegal in so many places, you need to fully understand what delcawing is. Declawing is a series of bone amputations. Declawing is more accurately described by the term de-knuckling and is not merely the removal of the claws, as the term “declawing” implies. In humans, fingernails grow from the skin, but in animals that hunt prey, the claws grow from the bone; therefore, the last bone is amputated so the claw cannot re-grow. The last bone of each of the ten front toes of a cat’s paw is amputated. Also, the tendons, nerves, and ligaments that enable normal function and movement of the paw are severed. An analogous procedure applied to humans would be cutting off each finger at the last joint. Declawing, also known as onychectomy (än-ik-ek-tō-mē), is a major surgical and potentially crippling procedure that robs an animal of its primary means of defense. Declawed animals may be at increased risk of injury or death, if attacked by other animals. They are deprived of their normal, instinctual behavioral impulses to use their claws to climb, exercise, and mark territory with the scent glands in their paws. Feline declawing has many horrible side effects from failure to use the litter box, Atrthritis, and pain due to bone shards regrowing under the skin. There is no physical or psychological benefit to the cat from declawing. For more information about declawing and the effects visit The Paw Project website: This project is rapidly growing and branches are popping up in many cities, states and provinces throughout the US and Canada. In November of 2014, we welcomed The Paw Project Quebec. I helped to establish this project in my province. I have worked very hard to spread the word about the negatrive effects of this procedure. I have five cats, one who has become quite well known on the Internet. He is known as “The Oreo Cat”. Oreo has many fans accross multile social media platforms and Oreo also has three published books. Oreo’s books some of his antics as well as valuable information about declawing. His latest book: THINK Paw-sitive was published in collaboration with Paw Project-Utah to be used in classrooms and help to educate kids. You can visit Oreo’s website for more information on his books and all of his social media links:

    Oreo's Website