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    10 Signs You're Addicted To Cute Animals

    If you spend more time aw-ing at pics of puppies in onesies than you do ooh-ing over photos of Jake Gyllenhaal in tight underwear, then the chances are you're a Cute Animal Addict. Here are the most common CAA symptoms:

    1. You wake up with only one thing on your mind: a polar bear cub running towards a camera.

    2. This is your Internet search history...

    3. You're constantly showing family/friends/colleagues/random-stranger-at-the-bus-stop the latest pictures of Boo the Pomeranian... Have you SEEN him?! He's like a freakin' teddy bear!!!

    4. At night, you dream of kittens in baskets.

    5. Your friends are becoming increasingly worried for your welfare.

    6. ... But you tell them you're fine, and show them a picture of a pug dressed as Gandalf to distract them.

    7. Whilst at work, you may look like you're doing something important and business-y, but really, you're watching a video of an elephant painting a self-portrait.

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    Adorable AND talented.

    8. When you finally get around to searching pictures of 'Jake Gyllenhaal in tight underwear', you see this:

    9. And you couldn't possibly date someone who doesn't love cute animals as much as you do.

    10. ... It's okay though, you don't need anyone else anyway. Partners may come and go, but cute animals are for life.