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    The 10 Stages Of Dieting/Exercising To Lose Weight

    Dieting is horrible and probably one of the least enjoyable activities in the world. After all, the word itself describes how dieting feels: kind of like dying. Diet... die... get it? Sorry, that was cheesy... mmm, cheese...

    Stage 1: Saying goodbye to crisps and hello to crisp lettuce

    Stage 2: Burn, baby burn!

    Stage 3: Dish of the day = pride

    Stage 4: Realising that healthy food just doesn't taste as good as a burger

    Stage 5: Healthy food actually angers you

    Stage 6: All you want to do is eat EVERYTHING

    Stage 7: Working out just isn't fun anymore

    Stage 8: Fed up of people telling you to give up and "eat something"

    Stage 9: Weighing yourself only reaffirms your doubts

    Stage 10: Food, Glorious Food!!! (And then begin back at stage 1 and repeat)