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    The Dog Days Of Summer In 15 GIFs

    It's already August and these dogs know what to do.

    1. Summer's in full swing...

    2. ...but it's passing by quickly.

    3. You've got to get out there and enjoy the summer!

    4. Ride those waves!

    5. Take a dip in the water.

    6. Enjoy the pool.

    7. Or just lounge outside.

    8. Don't forget to hydrate.

    9. Sometimes you need to cool off with a bath.

    10. Or with some AC.

    11. Or by going somewhere really cold.

    12. Late summer's also good for lazy naps.

    13. Lots of lazy naps.

    14. And taking it easy before we hunker down for the winter.

    15. But until then...vaya con dios, brah.