Here Are The Best Reactions To The "Never Ending Story" Scene In "Stranger Things" Season 3

    Turn around, look at what you seeee~

    🚨 Warning: This post contains spoilers! 🚨

    We need to talk about the most iconic scene from Season 3 of Stranger Things. Obviously, I'm talking about the show's first musical number.

    In the middle of the season's action-packed climax, Dustin and his camp girlfriend, Suzie, break out into a beautiful rendition of the theme song from The NeverEnding Story using two-way radios.

    be honest you sang along #strangerthings #neverendingstory

    The scene is a little...surprising...

    literally me when dustin and suzie had a duet of the neverending story in the midst of the chaos #StrangerThings

    ...given that lives are at stake during their jam sesh.

    Dustin and Suzie singing Neverending Story... #StrangerThings

    But, honestly, half the fun of the scene is how the other characters react to this poorly-timed karaoke moment.

    First there's shock:

    everyone when dustin and suzie started singing the neverending story song #StrangersThings3

    Then disappointment:

    #strangerthings #StrangersThings3 love everyone's faces during "NeverEnding Story" tune

    And, finally, acceptance:

    dustin & suzie: scoops troop: NeVeReNdInG sToRy

    But, as I mentioned before, the scene was still ICONIC.

    I don't want to be dramatic but Suzie and Dustin singing Neverending Story is the best moment in cinematic history #StrangerThings3 #strangerthings

    An amazing moment featuring an amazing song from an amazing movie.

    Shoutout to #StrangerThings for making The Neverending Story relevant again.

    And now the song will be stuck in my head for the rest of time.

    #StrangerThings3.that sequence of Suzy and Dusty in episode 8 is LIFE #NeverEndingStory

    Even Mr. Clarke is obsessed:

    Yes I'm listening to that song from Neverending Story again I DO WHAT I WANT

    So please do not speak to me unless you are trying to sing "Never Ending Story" as a duet.

    Turns out I don’t actually want a boyfriend I just want someone to sing the NeverEnding Story theme song with me, sorry for the confusion!

    Oh, and by the way, their version of the song has been released on the Stranger Things Season 3 soundtrack. You're welcome.

    Incase anyone needed this. #StrangerThings3 #neverendingstory

    In conclusion:

    Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait. #StrangersThings #strangerthings3 #neverendingstory

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