20 Times Prince George And Princess Charlotte Were Too Cute To Handle In 2016

    RIP my ovaries.

    1. First of all, Princess Charlotte had her first public appearance this year! And she did so with this adorably smooshed-up little expression.

    2. Not to be forgotten, Prince George started nursery school — in a cute little jacket 'n' backpack, to boot.

    3. He also did a point.

    4. But wait!!! Charlotte posed for this squee-worthy photo for her first birthday!!!!!

    5. And she pushed around a little cart of alphabet blocks because gosh darn it, princesses can have fun too!

    6. Hold on, though. George did his own birthday photo shoot, too, during which he fed family dog Lupo some ice cream.

    7. He also trotted around in this fresh nautical ensemble to mark the occasion.

    8. *Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Forget everything you just saw. Their actual cutest moment was when they melted our hearts — and the snow — during a family ski trip.


    10. The answer is no.

    11. Anyway, George rode the cute train from the slopes over to this picture with his dad, grandpa, and great-grandma — aka the next three in line to the throne — and clearly enjoyed himself in the process.

    12. SEE????

    13. George's reign of cuteness didn't end there, of course. He also got to point at some planes.

    14. And scowl like only a prince can.

    15. Oh, and savagely deny the Canadian prime minister a high five.

    16. Which was the only moment that overshadowed him meeting President Obama in his robe and pajamas. Like a (future) boss.

    17. But, hey. Princess Charlotte scowled at some balloons in Canada, and managed to look pretty darn adorable in the process.

    18. And eventually, the balloons made her smile.

    19. But nothing, seriously nothing, topped the head-exploding moment when Charlotte first saw balloons and completely flipped out.

    20. Stay precious, you royal kiddos!

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