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17 Pieces Of Advice All Women Need To Hear

"You have to toot your own horn because no one will do it for you."

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the best advice a woman ever gave them. Here are some of the best responses:

1. It's ok to make mistakes.

2. Remember how smart you are.

3. Always wash your "unders."

4. Be on time.

5. Know when it's time to stop pitying yourself.

6. Don't throw away your vote.

7. Stop apologizing all the time.

8. Believe in yourself as unconditionally as a man would believe in himself.

9. And be your own biggest cheerleader.

10. Just try.

11. Negotiate more money for yourself at work.

12. Get comfortable accepting compliments.

13. Enjoy and love being by yourself.

14. And talk to yourself like you'd talk about your best friend.

15. If you want to be independent, make your own money.

16. Marry the person you can talk and laugh about anything with.

17. And above all else, keep going.

Some responses have been lightly edited for length or clarity.

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