9 Ways To Get In A Little Nature Even If You Work Inside All Day

    Because we can't all be park rangers or marine biologists.

    If you've ever had a job that requires you to work indoors for most or all of the day, you know that not being able to go outside for long stretches of time is...not so nice.

    1. If you can take a route to and from work that has more trees or pretty scenery, do it.

    2. Make a habit out of looking for tiny patches of nature.

    3. Listen to some nature sounds for a few minutes when you get all worked up.

    4. Better yet, watch nature scenes when you get a sec to yourself.

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    Studies have shown that cueing up a video of a babbling brook or animals prancing through a meadow for as little as five minutes can actually calm your nervous system. Maybe it means sneaking away for a few to watch vids in your car, but on a bad day, it'll feel worth it.

    5. Sniff some tree smells, either from an actual tree or from an essential oil.

    6. Dig around in some dirt...seriously.

    7. Take as much work outside as you can manage.

    8. If you're running into a creative block, go look at a tree.

    9. And if you work at a desk, turn it into a veritable indoor jungle with a bunch of house plants.

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