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    7 Facts You Can Blurt Out During Awkward Silences This Weekend

    And if you didn't know, now you know.

    1. German chocolate cake is named after a guy named Sam German, not the country.

    2. Almost as many people were killed by guillotine in Nazi Germany as in the French Revolution.

    3. The animal that kills the most people every year isn't snakes, sharks, or even other humans — it's the mosquito.

    4. There's a cheerleading squad in Arizona that only people 55 or older can join.

    5. "What in tarnation?" is literally just another way of saying, "What the hell?"

    6. Chainsaws, the horror-movie murder weapon of choice, were invented for aid in childbirth 😊.

    7. And there's an island in Japan you can visit that's inhabited only by friendly bunnies.