11 Things That Will More Accurately Make You Feel Like You're 22

    Most people have unknowingly bobbed their heads along to Taylor Swift's "22." Maybe dressing up like a hipster and eating a midnight breakfast is *somebody's* MO.

    1. Seeing half of your high school graduating class at the bar.

    2. Not checking your bank account until you absolutely have to.

    3. Gaining five (or more) pounds in one weekend.

    4. Applying to jobs as a full-time job.

    5. Drinking craft beer to look cool.

    6. Following your parents' rules again.

    7. Using WebMd as your primary doctor.

    8. Reading about the horrors of gluten.

    9. Binging out on junk despite what you read.

    10. Making your first loan payment.

    11. Wishing you were 21 again.

    If spending money you don't have on fad diets and expensive beer is wrong, then you're probably not 22.