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    10 Female Fronted Bands (Impressions By TeraBrite)

    TeraBrite does impressions of the top 10 female fronted bands suggested by you Buzzfeed list video style! Which female rock singers are your favorite? Do you know any other bands with girl singers? Let us know!

    10 Female Fronted Bands Impressions - TeraBrite

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    Female Fronted Bands / Songs Covered:

    ♫ Flyleaf - "I'm So Sick" (0:38)

    ♫ Against The Current - "Gravity" (1:32)

    ♫ We Are The In Crowd - "Never Be What You Want" (2:19)

    ♫ Hey Monday - "Homecoming" (2:47)

    ♫ Tonight Alive - "Lonely Girl" (3:26)

    ♫ Icon For Hire - "Make a Move" (4:04)

    ♫ The Pretty Reckless - "Make Me Wanna Die" (4:46)

    ♫ PVRIS - "My House" (5:38)

    ♫ Evanescence - "Bring Me To Life" (6:13)

    ♫ Paramore - "Misery Business" (7:00)