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    15 Signs Of Study Abroad Withdrawal

    The food. The friends. The fun. You want to go back. No... you NEED to go back.

    You could barely even stand the thought of it, but now your only option is to face the truth: your semester abroad is over. After returning home, you start experiencing weird symptoms. Perhaps you are suffering from study abroad withdrawal.

    1. You keep annoying everyone with all your study abroad anecdotes.

    2. You feel obligated to know every single fact about the country you lived in, and are ashamed when you cannot answer a question.

    3. You actively promote how great your study abroad country is, and get offended when people criticize it.

    4. You started a marathon search of all the restaurants in town to find a place that could serve food as authentic and delicious as the spots where you used to eat.

    5. On the other hand, you also indulge in all the treats from home you couldn’t have while abroad.

    6. You cry over how expensive your life is now.

    7. You miss the possibility of doing whatever you wanted because nobody was there to judge you.

    8. Because, let’s admit it, you loved being the cool “foreigner”

    9. You are still receiving newsletters from local websites and cringe over all the amazing events you are missing.

    10. You spend hours scrolling through old Facebook photos, even though you know seeing memories of all these past moments is going to make you cry.

    11. Half of those photos are of your crush from while you were abroad.

    12. You suddenly wake up at night because you just realized that you forgot to visit something there.

    13. To cope with it, you make a list of all the places you want to see (just so that you won’t forget) and while you are at it, add 50 other destinations.

    14. You stay up or wake up at crazy hours to talk to your international friends…

    15. …and you're already dreaming about going back.

    Post by Amandine Tristani