For The Weekend: June 5

    Our special guest today is BuzzFeed News’ investigations and projects editor Mark Schoofs, sharing a few stories he especially enjoyed this week.

    Ruby Cramer’s vivid, rich portrait of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook is simultaneously a great piece of campaign reporting and an unforgettable profile.

    My former colleagues over at ProPublica had a banner week, publishing terrific investigations into how the Red Cross raised half a billion dollars for Haiti and built six houses (produced in partnership with NPR); how the Obama administration has expanded the NSA’s warrantless surveillance (reported together with the New York Times); how famed track coach Alberto Salazar has been accused of breaking doping rules; and a new installment in its sweeping examination of the California drought (published in conjunction with Matter.)

    Meanwhile, the New York Times launched a moving, infuriating investigation into “three-quarter homes,” meant to help homeless New Yorkers who suffer from addiction get substance abuse treatment, In fact, these homes are often squalid, vermin-infested drug dens run by unscrupulous businessmen who fleece the government while profiting off the least among us. The story has already spurred action.

    I was appalled at the small screen’s big problem with women directors — only 12% of the most popular TV shows are directed by women, as BuzzFeed News reporter Mary Ann Georgantopoulos reported.

    And I loved Loryn Brantz’ simple, gorgeous post on Disney princesses. Without preaching, it gently but unforgettably makes you think about how we perceive beauty.