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    Kasich is trying to paint a pretty picture of his term, but here's the reality:

    Inspiration from LACMA

    1. The cost of getting that degree.

    2. 1 in 6 Ohioans rely on food banks

    3. JobsOhio: Zero accountability or transparency

    4. Ladies can make decisions for themselves.

    5. That one time 400,000 Toledoans were left without drinking water for days.

    6. The attempted destruction of workers' rights.

    7. Ohio's supposed 'comeback' is sluggish at best.

    *** GO VOTE ***

    Election Day is Tuesday Nov. 4th. For all your voter info go to

    You can also vote early:
    Saturday 8AM-4PM
    Sunday 1PM-5PM
    Monday 8AM-2PM