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    The F Word That Everyone Should Stop Using

    A word that no longer has a place in our vocabularies.


    To set the scene, it is a typical Friday night and your best friend just said they were on their way over. The two of you are getting ready to order some takeout and spend some time together.

    There's a knock on the door. You jump up from the couch to grab the small stack of dollar bills the two of you pitched in to cover the meal. You take the food over to the coffee table to eat, all while your bestie turns on Deadpool as the night's selection. You open your quart of Lo Mein and stick a plastic fork directly into the steaming noodles. Then you hear a comment from your friend right as you place the first bite into your mouth.

    "Dang, someone is being fat tonight."

    Then, they turn back to the movie like they never said the word at all; all while your brain is trying to figure out why that word is sitting over you like a dark cloud. You try to make sense of what happened. You justify that because the line at Subway was too long, you couldn't grab lunch at work today and needed a little more for dinner. You begin to think about the other times you were called by this term before. Where do you go from this point on?

    The word "fat" should be excluded from our vocabularies as a society. In what context does this word not sound negative? In what way can this word affect us, our peers, or society?

    There are children who use this word as an insult because it is something they hear often enough to know that it can hurt someone's feelings. As adults, we hear this word and we see the damage it can do to someone's self-esteem; yet it is still used.

    Fat. If you do not see the issue with using "fat" in your conversations, ask someone what their thoughts are on this subject. Ask a kid how they feel when they are called "fat" on the playground in the fourth grade. Ask a teenager how they feel when they are trying to find out who they are, but have been called "fat" by others. Research the views of celebrities, recovered eating disorder patients, and the many others who have seen the effects of what calling someone "fat" can do to their well-being.

    This word should be abolished from our vocabularies and replaced with uplifting statements. So next time you are called this vile word or it is said in the form of a joke, stop and think about the outstanding traits you have. Loving yourself and your body is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Build up yourself and others along the way and you may just see the change you would like to see in the world.