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    15 Ways You Know You're A Maker

    Voiding warranties one invention at a time.

    1. When you get a new device, you don't even bother saving the warranty. You'll void it within a week, after all.

    2. You’re always taking things apart — and sometimes, you forget to ask for permission.

    3. And when your friends freak out at the sight of your latest deconstructed project, you remind them you’ll put it back together.

    4. You attend every Maker Faire within a 500-mile radius, and you can’t miss one because you might miss seeing something new and awesome like a working, life-size replica of R2-D2.

    5. You have a growing collection of project sketches scribbled in notebook margins, even on napkins.

    6. You’re an expert Googler.

    7. Your office is where your co-workers bring their “goodwill” donations — you welcome broken gadgets, empty cardboard boxes, scrap metal and more.

    8. You live for the A-ha! moment of solving a problem.

    9. You can find more cool stuff in a dumpster than in a shopping mall.

    10. Your list of things to Make is long enough to keep you busy for a lifetime, and Pinterest is your best friend.

    11. You welcome mistakes as part of the Making process and laugh at yourself when things don’t go as planned.

    12. You maintain that LEGOs are fun for children and adults.

    13. You probably have a strong preference for the word “nerd” or “geek,” but either way, you proudly own that distinction.

    14. You’re never too old to build a fort.

    15. You can’t think of a specific moment you became a Maker because it’s something you’ve always been and always will be.