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    13 Most Heartbreaking Television Deaths Of 2015

    2015 was a year full of laughs, love, and happiness on TV for us all, but there was no getting around the inevitable curse that plagues every binge-watcher: the death of a favourite character. Of course, this article does contain SPOILERS.

    13. Noah (The Walking Dead)

    12. Hope Shlottman (Jessica Jones)

    11. Patti Levin (The Leftovers)

    10. Lowell Tracey (iZombie)

    9. Tyreese Williams (The Walking Dead)

    8. Jo Laughlin (The Vampire Diaries)

    7. Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)

    6. Myrcella Baratheon (Game of Thrones)

    5. Liz Forbes (The Vampire Diaries)

    4. Shireen Baratheon (Game of Thrones)

    3. Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)

    2. Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)

    1. Derek Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)