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    10 Things That Pansexuals Hate Hearing

    Some people want chocolate Icecream, some people want vanilla icecream, some want both, while you don't care about the flavour. You just want Icecream that can make you happy. These are some of the worst things that Pansexuals hear.

    10. "You're just bisexual but seeking attention"

    It's okay to ask if it's similar to bisexual, but once we've explained what it is we don't need to be told who we are. We are comfortable identifying as pansexual, and if we are comfortable identifying as pansexual then it shouldn't make any difference to you.

    9. Oh it's one of those made-up Tumblr sexualities

    Yes, it's true that Tumblr has helped many of us find out different sexualities such as demisexual, asexual, and pansexual. I mean I was uncomfortably identifying as bisexual before I found out I was pan. No sexuality can really be made up since it's just a way to describe how we are or are not sexually attracted to someone.

    8. Guys can't be pansexual

    I don't understand this at all? Is there any reason behind this rumour? Of course guys and non-binary people can be pansexual!

    7. But there are only two genders?

    Well that's not true since there is boy, girl, non-binary, and some others. It's not even about liking different genders, it's about liking someone regardless of the gender that they are! Like I want someone for who they are and how they feel rather than the gender that they are!

    6. If you find everyone attractive, then come have sex with me

    First off, no. Second off, no.

    5. Oh so you haven't decided yet

    Pretty sure that bisexuals and pansexuals everywhere are tired of hearing this

    4. Have you ever even dated a non-binary or transgender person?? If not, how would you even know??

    *strums guitar* *sings* That has nothing to do with my sexuality. *strums guitar* You wouldn't ask a straight girl who has never dated a guy how does she actually know if she's straight

    3. You must have a LOT of sex!

    The amount of times someone has sex does not determine there pansexual-ness

    2. So would you have sex with animals?


    1. So are you sexually attracted to pans and pots?

    Yes, let me just shove this pan down my pants.
