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    11 Upsides To The End Of The NYC Summer

    Before we curl up in a ball and lament the fun, musical, and temperate summer that was, let's get excited for the "perks" of the cooler seasons.

    1. 1. SWEAT is no longer a constant battle.

    2. No more second guessing how cool this summer day is gonna be.

    3. The Subways will be a safe haven of heat rather than one of the lower levels of Dante's Inferno.

    4. Fall Leaves + You = Instagram Win

    5. You have an excuse to cheat on your diet and excercize regimen... and just be lazy.

    6. You can finally use that LED light for your feelings.

    7. Why sip on something cool, when you can spice it up and get drunk from HOT drinks?

    8. Autumn Wassail

    9. If you don't want to see someone, you don't have to, and they understand.

    10. And then my all time favorite...

    11. Turtlenecks!