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    10 Ways To Boost Your Microbiota On Etsy

    Each of us is a walking world of microbes... read on, though, before you start scrubbing! The few dangerous microorganisms tend to get all of the press, but the vast majority of the bacteria, protozoans, archaea, fungi and viruses are indifferent, or even beneficial to us. Artists draw inspiration from all sorts of unlikely sources - even your gut flora! This 'probiotic' collection of work created by scientifically minded crafters, is designed to foster appreciation and understanding of this hidden world, which we are just beginning to understand.

    Black Petri Dishes Silk Charmeuse Scarf

    Bacterial Capsule Hand-Pulled Linocut Print

    Thermochromic Linocut Louis Pasteur

    Microbe Buttons

    Saccharomyces - Budding Yeast Earrings

    Sparkly Petri Dish Coasters

    Microbe Collection Watercolor Print

    Articulating Microbiology Keepsakes

    Pseudomonas earringae Bacteria Earrings

    Microbial Art Glass