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My Application For Hannah Horvath; Understudy -(Lena Dunham)

Be the change you wish to see in the world. If that’s the case, I will create the job I want to be in the world as well… Here was another application for an understudy position that I created, developed, and now currently fill… in my head.

facefit4radio 10 years ago

My Application For The NY Bros Wedding Date

When two brothers posted an ad on craigslist seeking a date for their cousin's wedding, they were dubbed assholes, dweebs, douchebags, and winklevii. Obviously, I couldn't resist.

facefit4radio 10 years ago

The Master List

Here is a recap of the multitudes of responses I received when I asked the age old question: What is your stance on sitting on face?

facefit4radio 10 years ago