15 Cat Posts From This Week That Are Literally So Important

    "Cats are evil furry sorcerers."

    1. This sweet angel had a tiny twin!!

    Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again

    2. This convenience store kitty made a new best friend!!

    3. And this cat joined the fam!!!

    My Dad is recovering from an operation. Mum went out and left a door slightly ajar. My parents do not have a cat.

    4. This one asserted its dominance:

    Once this cat I was pet sitting would get so upset that I was leaving him alone when I went to the bathroom and closed the door that he would dislodge a knife from the magnetic knife holder and slide it under the door

    5. This one was a total CHICK MAGNET:

    I think this cat can candle these chicks just fine

    6. This fit feline lost SIX POUNDS and is doing amazing, sweetie!!

    7. This kitty was PURE BEAUTY AND GRACE:

    8. This tiny gymnast put ON 👏 A 👏 SHOW 👏:

    9. This chunky baby STOLE YOUR HEART:

    10. This kitten waited so patiently!!

    11. This baby cast a ~spell~:

    12. This one showed its friend who was boss!!

    13. The world's wisest kitty turned 20 years old!!

    14. This one was a lil shy and ~mysterious~:

    15. And lastly, this playful baby was so cute and so brave!!