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    12 Signs You Love Interning At An Indie Publisher

    No, my boss isn't making me write this post. I do actually love my internship this much.

    1. This is what your purse looks like on a daily basis:

    2. This is how you and a fellow intern prepare for a basketball game

    3. You couldn't image a more beautiful Spring Break view than this

    4. This is what your planner looks like

    5. You find a secret Type A joy in mailing large quantities of anything

    6. This is how you decorate your walls:

    7. You spend your sick day reading one of your publisher's books inside your book fort

    8. You accept payment in the form of books

    9. Even your dog loves the books you bring home from your internship

    10. You took professional graduation pictures with one of your publisher's books because it was just that good

    11. This is your favorite shelf in your bookcase

    12. Your thoughts on having to leave your internship