We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    28 Cleaning Products Under $20 So You Can Spend Your Money On Holiday Gifts Instead

    Because little Bobby's got expensive taste and you got him for Secret Santa this year.

    1. A bottle of Feed-N-Wax wood polish and conditioner that'll not only enhance your floor's and furniture's glow, but will also layer them with a protective coating of carnauba wax and beeswax, so there's less polishing for you to do in the future.

    reviewer before image of a weathered wooden door with scratches
    reviewer after image of the door polished and conditioned and no scratches

    Promising review: "I have natural wood floors and work from home. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that my desk wheels were wearing out and drying out my floor. I was able to repair two years of wheel dryness in like 15 minutes. I’ve been able to do it on other areas of our wood floor and it repairs and moisturizes areas where my dogs have run across the floor over and over. It is really one of the best products I’ve ever used." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.35.

    2. A bottle of Wet & Forget shower cleaner because no one wants to scrub their bathtub clean. With this, you'll just spray it on, wait 8–12 hours, then rinse it off. Super easy!

    reviewer before image of a dirty and stained once-white shower
    reviewer after image of the shower completely white and clean

    Promising review: "It is the best product for cleaning the shower without any effort. Since the first time that I tried it, I've been so happy that this product works as described or even better. I will keep buying it FOREVER. I used it in my shower enclosure and it left it sparkling and shiny. 100% satisfied." —Wilma

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two scents).

    3. Or an eco-friendly hard water stain remover if you don't mind using a bit of elbow grease to get rid of extra stubborn water spots and mineral buildup on your shower, bathroom fixtures, toilet bowl, and more. It melts stains fast — great if you have guests coming over — and it creates a protective sealant that should last up to three months.

    reviewer before image of a shower orange with hard water stains
    after image of the shower now clean and white

    Promising review: "We tried everything to get rid of hard water stains and nothing worked. We were getting our house ready to sell and our tub and sink were a mess. We tried this product and it worked immediately, restoring everything to like new. It was fast and really worked! We even used it to clean our glass stove top. It was amazing how clean it got things. I have a bad back and have to be careful about scrubbing things and it takes no effort to use. We use it in our new house and love it!" —Bradley

    Get it from Amazon for $19.77.

    4. A handy duster to keep your window blinds, air conditioner blinds, and car vents dust-free. Just spray a little cleaner, and dust will be a thing of the past!

    reviewer image of duster covered in dust
    reviewer image of blinds that are half clean and half dusty

    This duster comes with five washable microfiber sleeves.

    Promising review: "We built in a new community and the construction dust is a constant battle. I've been using the Swiffer Duster on my blinds, but it just didn't seem to do that great of a job. You would not believe the dust and dirt this got off my blinds! It takes a little longer to do the blinds, but they are much cleaner. I also like that I'm not adding to the landfill when I use this product." —Chris K

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in blue and green).

    5. garbage disposal cleaner that'll foam up and scrub your disposal, leaving a fresh scent behind instead of icky drain pipe odors.

    Promising review: "Personally it’s one of my favorite cleaners. It’s easy to use and you can actually see it working. I have a double sink so the foam does come out on both sides. I will definitely buy again and again." —Ari

    Get a box (good for four uses) from Amazon for $9.86.

    6. Or a garbage disposal brush so you can stop trying to stick your hand down into the depths of your disposal to remove food waste. Plus, this long boy can reach further down than your hand can, and its stiff bristles can break up the nastiest of gunk.

    reviewer photo of the yellow garbage disposal brush
    Model sticking the brush into a sink drain

    Promising review: "Do you ever remove the rubber cap between your sink and disposal? It is beyond gross! This is shaped just right and makes quick work of a yucky job. Good to do to keep odors away." —Mom328LSA

    Get it from Amazon for $9.30.

    7. The Pink Stuff cleaning paste because no sticky saucepans, streaky stainless steel, or gunked-up glass shall prosper against you or this versatile and easy-to-use cleaner. This paste has got you covered from your caked-on stove top to your dirty rain boots. It can even remove those colorful drawings your kids left on your white walls!

    reviewer image of a stainless steel sink half covered in dark stains and the other half completely clean
    reviewer before image of an oven covered in grease stains
    after image of the same oven now completely clean

    Promising review: "This stuff is magic! My small dog scratches the back door to go out and I never could get out the paw prints. I barely rubbed this stuff on and I now have a pearly white door. I use it from the walls to the counters to the shower. I will keep buying this from now on!" —Ashley Nowak

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    8. A pack of K-Cup cleaners if you haven't cleaned your machine in awhile and your coffee hasn't been tasting quite like coffee. Pop one of these cups into your Keurig to give it the deep clean it's been needing.

    reviewer image of a cup of dirty water under a keurig machine
    reviewer image of three cups of water that starts dark brown and ends up clear

    Promising review: "Same process to clean as to make a cup of coffee. The cleaner even removed coffee stains from my cup I used to catch dirty water. Will buy again and again and again." —Sue H

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $9.95.

    9. An orange-scented pet stain and odor remover that's super effective against stubborn blemishes and the smell of pet pee. This formula is not only safe enough to use on multiple surfaces including wood, fabric, turf, and more, but is also safe to use around kids and pets. This stain-eater contains no bleach, sulfates, peroxides, or parabens!

    Promising review: "I have two dogs that are marking. Not only does this get rid of the pissy odor, but it also keeps them from remarking. So worth the price, and the smell is better than any other cleaner out there. I'm buying this again. And again. And again." —Odies mom

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    10. And a water-based instant carpet spot remover for all your other non-pet messes. Those stubborn wine, coffee, food, and dirt stains will be a thing of the past!

    side by side reviewer before and after images of heavily stained beige carpet becoming stain-free and clean
    before reviewer image of green marker marks on a beige carpet
    after reviewer image with the beige carpet completely clean

    Promising review: "I know it's all been said before, but I thought I'd share my experience as well because I am so impressed with this product! There is no harsh smell (really, there is no smell at all!!), it does not foam like some of them do, and I don't have to be afraid that it will hurt my cats somehow if they come close or decide to walk on the spot and then clean their feet. Speaking of cats, I just used Folex today on a nasty, dried-up thing of vomit. Went away and nothing left!! I will most certainly keep buying this product." —katj

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    11. A pack of two flexible dryer vent cleaners because there's likely a bunch of trapped lint causing your clothes to still come out kinda damp. Use this to get all that gunk out, which will also help to prevent dryer fires!

    Promising review: "I clean my dryer vent after every single use. I was shocked to see so much lint and dust come out! It was very simple to use and it really works! I kept one for myself and gave the other to my daughter." —Shari Schmidt

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    12. A pack of Affresh dishwasher cleaner tablets so you don't risk limescale and mineral buildup affecting your dishwasher's performance. If a dishwasher can't properly wash dishes...it's essentially just a wet cabinet.

    before image of a dishwasher covered in hard water and limescale
    the same dishwasher now clean

    Promising review: "It really works great! My apartment dishwasher is truly sparkling clean and bright! I wish I would have thought to take before and after pics to share because there really is a huge difference! I plan to be a 'forever' customer." —Naduah

    Get six tablets from Amazon for $8.99.

    13. A long and flexible OXO microfiber duster to reach the dark untouched depths under your appliances and couches. Your pet's toys roll under your fridge? You can get to them in seconds!

    Promising review: “The Oxo flat sweeper is perfect for any tight, narrow space. It makes quick work of dust buildup under refrigerators, washers, and dryers. It also works well for tops and sides of appliances that are close to walls.” —my review 4 U

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    14. A heavy-duty ceramic cooktop cleaner kit for those caked-on messes, tough-to-remove stains, and splattered-on grease spots. And though it may be heavy-duty, it's still non-abrasive, so you won't leave your stove covered in scratches.

    reviewer before image of a dirty glass stovetop
    reviewer after image of the same stovetop now clean

    Promising review: "We used a brand new paella pot that left carbonized paint from the bottom of the pan on the cooktop surface. The scraper easily removed without scratching the glass, and the liquid polished it to brand new. Amazing. Keep this in your cabinet. Cleans even the toughest stains." —Jon P.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.48.

    15. A powerful concrete oil stain remover because working on your car means getting oil and grease all over your concrete garage floor or driveway.

    reviewer image of a oil stain on a driveway
    reviewer after image of the oil stain completely gone from the concrete driveway

    Promising review: "I bought this for an oil drip from hubby's truck. The 4" x 36" spill was less than a week old. I poured the solution over the whole spill and waited about seven hours before taking a stiff bristle Libman brush to it. It worked like a charm! The concrete looks like nothing was spilled on it. Brushing the dried-out product was super easy." —Flemm88

    Get it from Amazon for $17.97.

    16. A Weiman granite and stone cleaner whose powerful formula cleans, shines, and kills germs! Your countertops never looked so good.

    Bottle of Weiman granite and stone cleaner
    Reviewer photo of cleaned kitchen counter

    Promising review: "This is my go-to granite cleaner and I’ve tried a lot! Actually gets counters clean without a film or streak and not a lot of elbow grease." —Lori

    Get it from Amazon for $5.75+ (available in three sizes and in packs of two).

    17. A pack of microfiber cleaning cloths you can use to get a streakless clean!

    a dirty and cloudy glass light fixture
    the same light fixture now clean and completely see-through

    Promising review: “I couldn't get my windows clean using Windex and newsprint and a lot of elbow grease. There were always streaks and dirt left behind. Enter these things. One quick cleaning, and I do mean quick, and my windows are now cleaner than any windows I've ever cleaned. It's simply amazing. We were all standing around in utter shock and delight before running around trying the cloths on other stuff: the TV, the picture glass. I know it sounds corny, but I couldn't wait to get up this morning, because I woke up in the middle of the night excitedly thinking about trying it on the car today.” —Xena the Warrior Mama

    Get an eight-pack from Amazon for $18.98.

    18. A rubber broom for keeping your carpet free from your purrfect pet's fur. It's also great for mopping up liquid spills and squeegee-cleaning your windows!

    Promising review: "I bought this broom two years ago and it is still going strong! I have four large dogs and we have fur EVERYWHERE! This works so, so well! I am always amazed at what this picks up even after I just ran the vacuum. If you remove the head from the handle you can use the head to do in all the crevices along baseboards where fur gets trapped on the carpets. I also use it that way to do the carpet corners on the stairs. Lastly, I use it to get dust and cobwebs off the floors and ceilings. It truly is a super tool." —Roseann

    For more on how well it works, check out our FURemover rubber broom review.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    19. A grout and sealant stain remover — all you have to do is apply it, wait, and rinse the stains away. You read that right, there's no scrubbing needed!

    before reviewer image of moldy sealant in a bathroom
    the same bathroom with no mold on the sealant

    Promising review: "I was skeptical but it started to work in less then two hours! I already ordered a second one so I will never run out!" —Nancy A. Norris

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    20. A set of three power scrubber brush attachments whose nylon bristles will clean your stained bathtub without leaving behind any scratches.

    reviewer before image of a dirty and stained bathtub
    after image of the tub now clean and white

    Founded in 2007 by a former electrician who suffers from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, DrillBrush is a small business committed to making cleaning easier and less painful.

    Promising reviews: "I bought this on a whim because my walk-in shower is just a pain to clean. I'm 51 and I guess I've just been old school with how I clean, so I've been hand-scrubbing it was for years. The FIRST time I used this to clean my shower, it took five minutes AND it scrubbed my shower more clean than it has been in years. It cleaned in the corners, the floor, the glass door...everything came out squeaky clean. I'm NEVER cleaning my shower by hand again." —Terry

    Get it from DrillBrush on Amazon for $18.95 (available in a variety of brush stiffnesses).

    21. A plant-based stainless steel cleaning kit made with lavender essential oil that's safe to use on all of your stainless steel appliances and will also leave behind a protective barrier to help resist smudges and fingerprints, so you don't have to clean as often.

    Therapy Clean is a family-owned small biz using safe-for-you ingredients to make cleaning products.

    Promising review: "Amazing product. Great great, and it leaves my appliances looking great every time I clean them. Honestly I will keep buying this product for life now." —OzzyP

    Get it from Therapy Clean on Amazon for $19.95.

    22. A fast-drying and waterproof white grout pen so your tiles always have a bright backdrop to gleam against.

    Promising review: "These things are awesome! I cleaned my bathroom tile grout first because the lady who lived there before me really let it go. A few places stayed stained and I was worried it wouldn't cover them, but all grout areas are bright white and look new now!" —Donna K Cook

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in two tip widths and a variety of colors).

    23. A jetted tub cleaner scientifically engineered to get all the yuck, like soap and body oil buildup, out of your tub's jets in 15 minutes!

    image of reviewer's hand holding the bottle of tub cleaner
    reviewer image of a jetted tub spewing out dirty foam

    Promising review: "Holy crap, this stuff works and the name speaks for itself. I’m a big cleaner and I always clean my jetted tub after every use. We rent our house and when we moved in, I used bleach to clean out the lines. Recently though I noticed a bit of mold in the jets so I snagged this. As soon as the water hit the first jet I started to see 'sludge' come out and start to clump. As it reached higher I was mortified. Once I turned the jets ON dear lord, it was over. I wanted to throw up. This stuff WORKS and I will forever buy it until I no longer have a jet tub." —Charlie

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    24. A low-effort Scrubbing Bubbles cleaning stamp if lazy cleaning is the name of your game. This will keep your toilet bowl fresh and clean with every flush. Just plop some gel inside the bowl and let it work over time so you don't have to.

    A hand stamping the circle of gel in the toilet
    Scrubbing Bubbles

    Promising review: "I absolutely love these things! I have five kiddos. These gel stamps keep my toilet cleaner and fresher-smelling for longer, which is a definite plus with four boys. These have an easy, no-mess application. I finally just put them on my Subscribe & Save so I always have them ready." —Alyssa M

    Get six stamps from Amazon for $4.99+ (available in two scents).

    25. Or a pumice cleaning stone for scrubbing away toilet rings, limescale, and rust buildup from your porcelain throne (and other porcelain and ceramic surfaces).

    reviewer before image of a stained toilet boil
    after image of the same toilet now spotlessly clean

    Promising review: "I have a 19-year-old bathroom toilet that had accumulated some nasty stains over time, and regular toilet brushes and cleaning products just would not remove them. I decided to try this pumice stone, and it worked like a charm! Given the nature and severity of the stains, it required some elbow grease. But 10 minutes later, I have a new-looking bowl, and I see no signs of scratching." —Happy Retiree

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    26. A toilet tank cleaner with a citric acid formula that'll remove hard water deposits and other stains in your toilet tank without any elbow grease needed. Get rid of stubborn odors with this safe-on-pipes cleaner.

    reviewer before image of a stained toilet tank with dirty water
    reviewer after image of the same tank now without stains and clear water

    Promising review: "I was skeptical at first, but after one use I’m a believer. I had moved into an apartment where both the toilet tanks had what looked like black mold, mineral deposits, and rust. Every time we flushed the toilet you could smell mold and cleaning of the bowl was constant to keep mold from growing. I had tried multiple products and even draining the tank and trying to scrub it. Nothing worked. After one treatment, only half a bottle per tank, and the tank is pristine, white as can be. All of the mold, rust stains, and minerals are gone. I will continue to buy this product forever! Literally you pour half a bottle in, stir, wait eight hours and presto!!!!" —AD

    Get it from Amazon for $7.66.

    27. A powerful lemon-scented shower door cleaner to get rid of soap scum and hard water stains, because right now your shower door looks like a surrealist painting in a horror movie. Get the sparkling shine you deserve!

    before reviewer image of a cloudy and stained shower door
    after image of the same shower door now completely clean and see-through

    Promising review: "Holy cow I've been trying to get my clear glass shower doors clean using other products and to no avail they just weren't getting clean. This product is AMAZING! Worth every penny! You will not be sorry you bought this. After using this product to get the doors sparkling clean I also used the Rain-X Shower Door Repellent to keep water stains from building up again so that it doesn't have to be cleaned as often. Buy them both. You won't be sorry." —MellyB

    Get it from Amazon for $11.65.

    28. Some restorative wipes whose technologically advanced formula restores and protects your faded, oxidized, and sun-damaged possessions. These wipes can be used on your doors, tires, patio furniture, and more!

    before photo of a reviewer's reddish-brown door, which looks cloudy and dirty
    the same door after it was wiped clean and it looks like a rich mahogany color

    Promising review: "My metal barstools were left on the balcony all winter because of a surprise three-day blizzard. After being buried in snow all winter I thought for sure I would have to throw them out when I saw them in the spring. Looking at them now after using the product, no one would suspect that they weren’t new ones!" —Mom@home

    Get five wipes from Amazon for $14.52.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.