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This Viral TikTok Is Teaching People How To Finger Someone Properly And It's Important

Remember, don't pop the yolk.

At its very best, being fingered can be sexy and passionate. At its worst, it can be an awkward experience where you’re being rubbed with so much intensity that your vagina feels like a scratch-off ticket.

So how is a person supposed to practice their fingering techniques to ensure they don't make rookie mistakes? Well, TikToker Kayla Christine has a good starting point:

In her viral video — which has over 13 million views — Kayla shows that a good way to practice your fingering skills is by gently rubbing the yolk of an egg in circular motions. And if the yolk breaks, you may have pushed too hard!

An image of a hand holding egg yolk

Most women in the comments section agreed with Kayla's ~fingering lesson~ that teaching people to be gentle is ideal — and harder and faster isn’t necessarily better.

An image of the comments section

While rubbing the egg yolk is a good starting point, Kayla also posted a follow-up video emphasizing the importance of trimming and filing down your nails and washing your hands before fingering.

**Pro tip: **Don't bite your nails as a replacement for clipping them. Biting your nails creates jagged edges, which may still cause discomfort inside the vagina. Also, biting your nails exposes the tips of your fingers to bacteria. These bacteria can easily make their way into the body's urinary tract when the vulva or vagina is being stimulated by a dirty hand because the opening of the urethra (the pee hole) sits just under the clitoris. So, just as Kayla mentioned in her TikTok, please wash your hands!

Adding to Kayla's personal tips, here are some suggestions of mine, as a sex educator, to consider in order to master the art of fingering.

First, understand the anatomy of the vulva. The vulva is the external region that contains the labia, the opening of the vagina, the opening of the urethra, and the clitoris. The clitoris is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones of the vulva because of its high concentration of nerve endings, and while people mistake it to be the size of a nub, it extends into two root-shaped parts that continue up to 5 inches within the internal framework of the vagina.

An image of vulvas

Second, take your time. Start slow, and only apply speed and pressure when necessary. Don't treat the vulva like a video game that requires you to move harder and faster until you unlock the next level.

Ultimately, I think Kayla's suggestion to practice vulva-pleasing techniques on egg yolk is great because it gives a basic idea of how sensitive that area can be and it allows people to start off slow while switching up rhythms, motions, and techniques throughout.

An image of a woman holding a papaya in front of her pelvic region

To get more amazing content from Kayla, be sure to follow her on TikTok!