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    19 Reasons the Class of 2019 should apply for Community Action (CA) at Princeton

    Attention!!! Are you a Princeton pre-frosh contemplating what to do with the week before you officially matriculate to Princeton?

    Attention!!! Are you a Princeton pre-frosh contemplating what to do with the week before you officially matriculate to Princeton?

    Well we've been there and we understand the internal struggle that decision can create. It can be a trying time as you consider CA (Community Action) or OA (Outdoor Action). And with the endless polls and questions on the Admitted Class of 2019 page that ask just that, the decision can become even more overwhelming.

    Community Action is a week-long introduction to meaningful service and community building for incoming freshmen, run by the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. However, we find that individuals who participate on CA actually return with so much more. So in honor of the Great Class of 2019, we thought we'd give you the top 19 reasons for why you should participate in CA.

    1. Give back to your soon-to-be local community

    RT @morgan_celly: #cfet2k14 spent the morning beautifying one of CFET's native gardens! #ca2014

    CA provides a chance to engage in meaningful service and make a difference in Princeton, NJ and its surrounding communities like Trenton and Camden, NJ or Philadelphia, PA.

    2. Go into freshman year with friends

    @cacoords So much love and budding friendships in the final circle discussion!! #CA2014 #friends #artsnyc

    We know it can be frightening going into college not knowing anyone. You think to yourself, who will I eat meals with or awkwardly drag along to all of the orientation events? CA virtually guarantees you'll return from the trip with fellow comrades.

    3. Who Knows? Some of those people might even become your lifelong friends.

    Meet your best friends on #CommunityAction? Absolutely! Video: #Princeton2019 #PrincetonU

    Via Twitter: @pace_princeton

    You never know who you'll sit next to in your CA van. Take it from these two—Community Action can be your link to great friends at Princeton!

    4. Learn about the issues that matter to you.

    MT @kachowthy: Interesting talk w/ Council of Peoples Organization on South Asian+Muslim immigrants' rights #ca2014

    Via Twitter

    There are an an abundance of theme areas offered by the CA trip - arts, environment, homelessness, hunger, etc. - allowing you to engage with the issues that interest and matter to you.

    5. Learn about your soon-to-be local community

    Learning about the amazing work done by the West Park Presbyterian Church #ca2014

    Via Twitter

    Feeling curious about where you'll be living for the next four years of your life? Let CA deepen your understanding and connection to Princeton and its surrounding areas' local sites, inhabitants and history.

    6. Truly immerse yourself in the community.

    RT @ndhejduk: Monday morning: touring Trenton! #ca2014 @pace_princeton @cacoords

    Via Twitter

    CA groups completely immerse themselves in the communities they serve. From sleeping in community centers to buying locally-produced food, CA groups return from their trips with a deeper understanding of the communities they serve.

    7. Who doesn’t want to go on a weeklong road-trip with 11 strangers?

    RT @noshineee_x3 @cacoords #ca2014 on our way to El Centro #princeton2018

    Via Twitter

    There's nothing to bond you together like spending a week stuck in a car for hours together, cooking delicious meals, doing meaningful service work and having endless sleepovers.

    8. Go Into freshman year with upperclassmen friends

    Begin your year with us! Meet #CommunityAction leaders 1:30-3:30 PM, Campus Club. #PrincetonPreview #Princeton2019

    In addition to prefrosh, each CA trip also has has two sophomore, junior or senior student trip leaders. They're hand-selected so their awesomeness is virtually guaranteed! So go off pre-frosh and befriend these wonderful and dynamic beings.

    9. Inside-Scoop about Princeton

    10. Showers!!!

    11. Become Princeton Twitter famous

    Check out #ca2014 for updates from Tigers making a difference! MT @morgan_celly: Check out those sunflowers! #ca2014

    Via Twitter

    Even if we don't admit it, we all walk around hoping to make it onto Princeton's coveted social media feeds. And with the live tweeting that happens on the CA trip, you can accomplish the goal before you even officially make it onto campus. We promise to hide our jealousy. (Use #CommunityAction @pace_princeton to be a part of the story!)

    12. Find your Pace

    13. Who loves surprises?

    RT @kachowthy: SUHPRIIIIIZE number two. #interfaith #onaroll #ca2014 #awyiss #timessquare

    Via Twitter

    CA trips happen to be jam-packed with a variety of surprises. Prepare to be amazed!

    14. Delicious home-cooked meals

    RT @kachowthy: Interfaith preparing food together at St Joseph House for the soup kitchen #ca2014

    Via Twitter

    There's no better way to end your day on CA than with a home-cooked meal surrounded by your newfound friends.

    15. CA Discourse

    16. CA groups have the most fun

    RT @ndhejduk: Get SET? Get CRAZY. #smilesforisles #ca2014 @pace_princeton @cacoords

    Via Twitter

    CA groups engage in meaningful and important work and discussions, but they also save time for bonding and fun.

    17. Pace Center Staff have the most fun

    RT @adjoam6: DB1 showing us how it's done #paceyourself #DaveBrown #CA2014 #razorsharp @cacoords @pace_princeton

    Via Twitter

    Everyone knows the Pace Center staff have the most fun on campus and who knows, you might get a surprise visitor on your trip...

    18. CA Reunions

    RT @TodaysAsanniDay: #CriminalJusticeFamilyPhoto #CA2014. Ill miss living with them :(

    Via Twitter

    Once you return from your CA trip, you'll feel sad and wish to be back on the road with your group. But do not fret because reunions for CA groups occur throughout the school year.

    19. And finally, because it’s awesome!

    What are You Waiting For?