Someone Found Kevin Durant's Hilarious And Omniscient BlackPlanet Page

    The 2004 account is hilarious and also strangely prophetic??

    In recent news, Kevin Durant has officially made his decision to leave Oklahoma City and sign with The Golden State Warriors.

    But in more important and wonderful internet news, someone — amid all the will-he-won't-he sports banter — found Durant's old BlackPlanet page from 2004. And it, inevitably, was met with all the 😂 emojis.

    For one: His bio is so hilariously emblematic of the early 2000s.

    His self-description is nothing short of accurate. Also, BALL IS LIFE.

    The photos on his profile are perfectly pixelated flip-phone quality.

    And best of all: His username was ima_warrior. A "warrior"! A Warrior!!!!

    Which could be the greatest coincidence or conspiracy-inducing discovery of all.

    In any case, people are both praising and clowning Durant for this social media artifact (which is now confirmed by BlackPlanet as his real page).

    ...Which is all also a reminder that we all probably have embarrassing, cob-webbed pages still sitting on the internet.