People Are Hilariously Turning Movies More Canadian (Meaning Better And Nicer)

    Hollywood would be a lot less scandalizing.

    If you were wondering what your favourite movies would look like if they were a little more Canadian, the hashtag #MakeAMovieMoreCanadian is here. I guess.

    The hashtag, which is now trending, is as groan-worthy-yet-endearing as you'd imagine.

    It basically proves if Canada took over Hollywood, story arcs would be just a tad different.

    A little less violence-y and threaten-y.

    And a lot more curling.

    #MakeAMovieMoreCanadian Curl, Interrupted

    Basically, this whole thing is one big, ha-ha joke on Canada. Once again.

    'Cause if you actually get Canadians to take Hollywood over, it will literally be a different story...😏