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    10 Ways to Get Out of Volunteering at School

    Everyone hates school. When we were kids, we hated school because they made us learn stuff. Now we hate school because as soon as you walk in we’re reminded of all the volunteering they have at school and how we try to avoid it but it never works. This is just before you are bombarded by that one mom who is on every committee and makes you feel like a bad mom and she asks you to join a committee. Well put the kids to bed, get your mommy sized wine glass and read 10 Ways to Get Out of Volunteering at School!

    1.)“I’m Richard Nixon”

    2.)“I’m Allergic to Children”

    3.)“I Have Four More Children at Home”

    4.)It’s Against My Religion

    5.)“My Child Doesn’t Go to School Here”

    6.)“I Have to Work”

    7.)“I Have Back Problems”

    8.)“I’m Drunk By 9am”

    9.)“That’s When I Meet with My Mister”

    .) “I Didn’t Pass the Background Check”

    Now, go my friend, head to school with no fear of being sucked into endless hours of listening to helicopter parents divulge the many ways they spy on their children, paper cuts and hearing which teacher is sleeping with which teacher. Your free time will be your own once again or until you pop out another bundle of joy. Your choice.