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    Totally Hair Barbie, Chewing On The Shoes, And Other '90s Barbies Memories

    I was a Barbie girl for sure.

    1. Did you covet Totally Hair Barbie?

    photo of the toy's commercial

    2. Did anyone actually own a Ken doll?

    photo of Ken from a toy commercial

    3. Was Aqua's "Barbie Girl" the anthem of your pre-teen life?

    Aqua "Barbie Girl" music video clip of pink convertible with the group in the car giving punk band in a girl's comic book vibes.

    4. What Barbie parts did you chew on?

    5. Did you hold out and save a special edition Barbie?

    6. Did it hurt your feelings to receive an off-brand Barbie?

    These are rightfully lovely Fashion Dolls but clearly not appropriate presents for someone who was expecting a Barbie.

    7. Did your Barbie sleep on VHS tapes?

    Barbie and Ken 'sleeping' on a VHS tape

    8. Did Barbie coloring books give you unrealistic expectations of how voluminous hair can be?

    Barbie coloring book pages with hair that reaches the heavens in volume.

    9. Despite opposition to off-brand Barbie, were you ok with watching Jem?

    10. And did you feel like a badass in the Barbie Jeep?

    photo of the toy