29 Things You Probably Haven't Heard Since Primary School


    1. "I know you are, but what am I?"

    2. "I'm telling on you."

    3. "Talk to the hand."

    4. "Can I play?" "I don't know: It's not my game."

    5. "Ewwwww, that's minging."

    6. "Pinch and a punch, first of the month."

    7. "A kick and a flick for being too quick."

    8. "Ha ha, very funny, my name's Bugs Bunny."

    9. "You've got 46 boyfriends!"

    Holding your palm over someone's head without them realising was a foolproof way of counting how many boyfriends/girlfriends they had

    10. "Eeny meeny miney mo..."

    11. "Jinx!"

    12. "Back row! Back row! Back row!"

    13. "No returns!"

    14. "Silence in the courtyard, silence in the street..."

    15. "Yellow car!"

    16. "That's my name, don't wear it out."

    17. "Swot!"

    18. "Ip dip do..."

    19. "Bagsy it!"

    20. "On Opposites Day."

    21. "Take a chill pill."

    22. "I triple-dog dare you."

    23. "I don't like butter."

    24. "Have you got a bum chin or a cherry chin?"

    25. "You lost the game."

    26. "Ibble obble, black bobble, ibble obble out."

    27. "Say, say oh playmate..."

    28. "You're it!"