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58 New Year's Resolutions Every Twentysomething Can Actually Stick To

1. Stop making plans on Monday evenings.

1. Stop making plans on Monday evenings. No one ever wants a plan on a Monday evening.

2. Invest in some plain white writing paper and write a letter to someone you’ve fallen out of touch with. Whether it’s an old teacher, a uni friend who has moved away, or a cousin you never see anymore, they'd love to hear from you.

3. Buy a couple of packets of paper napkins. You don’t have to use them every day, but when you next have guests over they’ll make you look really grown up.

4. Go through your wardrobe and throw out everything that’s a little bit too tight. Including underwear.

5. If you haven’t already done so, register with your local doctor.

6. Do something that challenges you intellectually. Whether it’s finishing that book you gave up on months ago, or signing up to a class in your local area, you’ll feel better for it.

7. Find a type of exercise you actually enjoy and aim to do it at least twice a week. Running is free and it’s much less soul-destroying than the gym.

8. Sign up to an organised exercise event, and persuade your BFFs to go for a pub lunch with you afterwards.

9. For goodness sake, stop dieting.

10. Go to a charity shop and buy a bunch of travel books for inspiration.

11. Go on a budget airline’s website and book a £30 weekend away. You’d only spend that money on booze otherwise.

12. Treat yourself to a big, white, fluffy dressing gown to mooch around in while you’re cooking breakfast at the weekends.

13. Every time you hear anyone compliment someone you know, tell them that thing. You should always pass on compliments.

14. Text your old school friends and arrange a get together.

15. Go through your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and delete all the people who make you feel like shit.

16. And then delete social media from your phone.

17. Stop checking your phone while you’re eating.

18. Download a podcast and start listening to it on your commute. My Dad Wrote a Porno is laugh-out-loud funny.

19. Get into the habit of buying £3 flowers from the supermarket every now and again.

20. Register with your local dentist and book an appointment with the hygienist. Your teeth will feel really shiny afterwards.

21. Open a savings account. Even if you put £10 a month into it, it’ll be worth it when you've saved up enough money to decorate your own home.

22. Buy some frames for all the stuff you’ve been meaning to hang on the walls from IKEA.

23. While you’re there, eat meatballs, mash, and lingonberry jam for lunch. They even do a veggie option nowadays.

24. Buy a multivitamin and take it every day.

25. Start tracking what you spend your money on so you know where to cut back. Cards like Monzo are a good place to start.

26. Get really invested in a crappy TV series. Not the latest Netflix series that everyone at work is talking about; something like TOWIE or Grand Designs or Tattoo Fixers. There’s nothing more comforting than knowing exactly what’s going to happen in any given episode of a series.

27. For the same reason, watch two ‘00s dance movies back to back.

28. Invest in a radio alarm clock that you can’t click snooze on. That way you can start waking up to your favourite music every day.

29. Sing along loudly and out of tune as soon as you wake up.

30. Start creative journalling, but don’t get stressed out if your water bottle leaks in your bag and the ink goes runny and you have to dry it out on a radiator. Diaries look nicer when they’re actually used.

31. If you’re really fancy, go for the Hobonichi Techo 2017.

32. Sneak a can of M&S gin and tonic to the cinema.

33. Rediscover how great the Sugababes were. “Ugly” is an absolute banger.

34. Invest in a nice make up remover, cleanser, toner, and face cream. Stop falling asleep with your make up on.

35. Buy a nice pair of black jeans, a nice pair of ankle boots, a stripy top, and a leather jacket. Even when you’re feeling bad on the inside, no one can’t look bad in that outfit.

36. Make a needlessly complicated meal on a weeknight and drink needlessly fancy wine with it.

37. Buy a big bottle and take it to work. Fill it with water every morning, and make sure you’ve finished it by the time you go home.

38. Take a mini cafetiere to work and stop drinking the stuff from the coffee machine that tastes like lukewarm, dirty water.

39. Take your whole lunch break and spend at least 20 minutes of it outside.

40. Leave work on time. Every day. Staying behind isn't impressing anyone.

41. Send your grandma some surprise flowers.

42. Book your next trip home to visit your parents.

43. Learn how to make at least one cocktail.

44. Go swimming with your friends.

45. Check whether you live in an area covered by an organic veg box company. If you do, order it! They’re no more expensive than supermarket vegetables, and they’ll stop you shopping separately for individual meals.

46. Start ordering staples like toilet paper, tins, and frozen stuff online. Life is too short to carry heavy bags home on the bus.

47. Clean your whole house. Even the bits you usually ignore. Put on your biggest T Shirt, turn up your music, and move every sofa, wardrobe, and desk in your home.

48. Actually start putting your phone away at 10pm. Read, watch TV, have sex… do anything but check your phone just before you go to bed.

49. Get at least eight hours sleep a night, every night.

50. Start getting up 10 minutes earlier and eating breakfast with your S.O./ housemate/ favourite book.

51. Go through your underwear drawer and throw out anything that’s older than three years. You don’t need to wear Topshop 3-for-2 pants from the mid-’00s anymore.

52. Invest in a nice set of notecards. Start sending thank you cards to people who buy you presents, have you to stay, or make you feel better when you’re feeling low.

53. Remember your favourite TV couple from your teenange years. Watch a YouTube montage of how cute they were.

54. Watch more documentaries.

55. Work out how often you can afford to go to the hairdressers. Book an appointment. Go. At the end of it, book your next one. That way, there’s no excuse to miss it.

56. Every now and again, bake an apple crumble.

57. Ask your friends to recommend books to you. Actually read them.

58. And tell the people you love that you love them as much as you possibly can.