23 Things That Happen When Two Girls Live Together

    It's mostly eating, drinking, and pulling hair out of the drain.

    1. You get into a habit of removing your bras the moment you get home from work.

    2. And you find getting ready for a big night the most fun part of going out.

    3. Of course, climbing into bed together for a gossip and a bitch the next morning is the best part of being hungover.

    4. But tbh you much prefer staying in to going out these days.

    5. And you've definitely cancelled plans with other friends in favour of staying in with your housemate before now.

    6. You've hosted some pretty good house parties in your time.

    7. Seeing each other naked no longer phases you.

    8. And neither does making small talk with your housemate's ~guests~.

    9. You've become very adept at unblocking drains.

    10. And the two of you can clean a house before one of your parents comes to visit in under half an hour.

    11. But you really excel when it comes to the 100% gross problems, like bathroom mould or kitchen mice.

    12. There are days when you spend hours messaging each other about what to make for dinner.

    13. And there are also days when you get home and immediately order a Papa John's.

    14. There are also days when you eat so much you have to undo your jeans and lie horizontally to digest.

    15. And you never judge how long your housemate goes without showering, shaving, or washing her bedding.

    16. You know that spending an entire day wrapped up in a duvet is perfectly reasonable.

    17. And you know exactly which foods to buy when your housemate starts clutching her ovaries and cursing all men.

    18. Your freezer is always jam-packed full of hangover cures.

    19. But you've gone on your fair share of ill-fated health kicks together too.

    20. You've developed a weekend TV routine.

    21. You analyse texts, rehearse difficult conversations, and give out compliments on cue.

    22. You know that you can borrow anything of hers, as long as you return it or replace it.

    23. Because living together means you're there for each other through everything. Even the most banal conversations.