22 Things Sisters Who Are BFFs Will Totally Get

    You will defend each other without knowing what exactly you're defending.

    1. You will stick up for your sister before you even know what she has done.

    2. And as soon as your sister tells you she hates someone, you automatically hate them too.

    3. You have endless in-jokes that you don't remember the origins of.

    4. And there are some words that send the two of you into fits of hysterics.

    5. You can describe the "vibe" of someone to each other and instantly know that your sister will understand what you mean.

    6. Sometimes you get so proud of each other that you exaggerate your sister's achievements to your friends.

    7. You proof read literally every piece of writing that your sister does.

    8. Because you know each other so well, you know exactly how to hurt each other's feelings.

    9. But even though you have the most horrendous fights, you always make up immediately afterwards.

    10. And you also know how to give each other the perfect ego boost.

    11. You can accurately predict how every possible event will make your sister feel.

    12. And you always know what's going on because you keep in touch via a constant WhatsApp thread.

    13. You know you can bitch about your other family members to your sister without it going any further.

    14. And you can eat a frankly embarrassing amount of food in front of each other, safe in the knowledge that you won't be judged.

    15. There are some TV shows and movies that you will always find comforting to watch together.

    16. You can voice your nastiest thoughts to your sister.

    17. And you tell her every secret you ever hear, even if she doesn't know the people it's about.

    18. You fantasise about being each other's maid of honours all the time.

    19. You much prefer visiting your parents if you know your sister is going to be there too.

    20. Sometimes you kinda wish you were twins.

    21. Because you can literally spend any amount of time with your sister and never get bored.

    22. And you know that no matter how good your friends are, your sister will always be your number one.