21 Secrets Pret Staff Will Never Tell You

    99p filter coffee + free Babbyccino = 99p flat white.

    1. Combine salads for new lunch options:

    @Pret half and half. Tuna salad and chicken/parma ham. So delicious. Thank you for providing healthy lunch options!

    2. Buy a kids' sandwich if you're a fussy eater:

    3. Order a sandwich that has sold out to get a free coffee:

    Top tip. Order something they don't have ready in Pret and you get free coffee

    4. Combine a protein pot with broth for a homemade ramen:

    5. Go at the end of the day for free coffee:

    Tip of the day: If you're a coffee addict like me, go to pret 10 mins before closing for free coffee!

    6. Re-use your hot drink jacket:

    Recycling tip: save your hot drink jacket and use it another time. The lovely folks @Pret were most impressed :)

    7. Combine an egg and quinoa pot with dressing for a delicious breakfast:

    just tried the egg & quinoa pot from @Pret for a new #glutenfree breakfast. tip: top it with some of their lemon shallot dressing. #yum

    8. Save money by ordering a filter coffee instead of an Americano:

    Top tip: Pret a manger do a decent filter coffee for just 99p

    9. Keep your kids happy by ordering a free Babbyccino:

    Did you know #babyccino are #onthehouse in @Pret #like 👍🏻👶🏼 #babyfriendly

    10. Or order a filter coffee and a free Babbyccino to save money on your own flat white:

    11. Say you're eating out and pay 20% less:

    Dylan's top tip - never admit to dining in at pret or Starbucks-answer with-"no taking away" but actually sit inside,😉 save ur self 20%

    12. Especially at the airport where there's seating everywhere anyway:

    Pro-tip: when they ask you ❛eat in or take away?❜ at Pret at Gatwick, ❛take away❜ will save you 20% & you can pretty much eat it anywhere ☺

    13. Recycle your whole cup:

    Did you know that all the packaging at @Pret is 100% recyclable?! #ZeroWasteWeek

    14. Look out for the labels if you're after a vegan lunch:

    Went to @Pret today for lunch and was very happy to find vegan food! Clearly labelled too! Well done Pret!! It was delicious! #vegan

    15. Add extra protein to your hot pot:

    16. And add extra fruit to your oatmeal:

    Tried this 5 Grain Oatmeal at Pret a Manger - chia seeds, flax seeds, amaranth, quinoa and steel-cut oats... NOT BAD! Add some fruit n NOM.

    17. If you don't want sprinkles on your cappuccino, just ask:

    If you want a cappuccino without chocolate sprinkles in pret, they request you ask for a 'naked cappuccino'. I will never do this

    18. Ask for your tea with the bag separately if you don't like strong tea:

    @PrincessMissDee @Pret The secret is to ask for the tea without the tea bag being put it.

    19. If you want a meaty sandwich without the meat, just ask:

    20. Save your Itsu spoons because they're easier to eat salad with:

    @itsuOfficial @Pret top tip to avoid Pret superfood salad going everywhere - use Itsu spoon

    21. And of course, be nice to the staff and you may get a free coffee:

    Did you know: Pret a Manger staff are allowed to give away free coffee to their favourite customers....!