23 Things Everyone Who Is Grossed Out Easily Just Gets

    Please don't talk to me about poo.

    1. For whatever reason, you do not find poo jokes funny.

    2. And no matter how hard you try to find toilet humour funny, you fail every single time.

    3. But because everyone else in the world loves joking about poo so much, you've perfected the old ~smile and nod~ routine.

    4. On at least one occasion in your life, you have said "omg I am so full", and someone has answered "just go and do a big poo", and you have visibly retched.

    5. The fact that people in long-term relationships seem to have no problem discussing their bodily functions with each other makes you determined to remain single forever.

    6. And couples who use the bathroom with the door open are your worst nightmare.

    7. Parents who change their babies' nappies in public are 10/10 gross.

    8. And you have resigned yourself to the fact that you can never have a child.

    9. When people burp and then laugh, it literally offends you.

    10. Because you strongly believe that the only appropriate time to talk about poo is in a medical setting.

    11. Tbh, you even find an old dog accidentally farting pretty offensive.

    12. But it's not just poo. You can't watch yourself having a blood test.

    13. And if you ever had to dissect a heart in biology, you almost certainly left the room.

    14. If one of your friends has a gross injury and asks you to take a look, you have to ask yourself how good a friend they really are.

    15. And if you injure yourself, you have to recruit someone else to deal with the blood.

    16. If you smell something bad, you can't stop yourself from retching.

    17. And you always have to cover your eyes through the gory parts of films.

    18. In fact, you tend to avoid horror movies altogether.

    19. If one of your colleagues has been off sick, you avoid asking them what was wrong.

    20. Looking after a vomiting drunk friend is your idea of hell.

    21. And old people who have no filter and insist on talking to you about their bathroom habits are the actual worst.

    22. Sometimes people notice that you hate talking about poo and say, "Omg you hate talking about poo! You must hate this! So sorry!"

    23. Because you know that there are some things that it's simply never appropriate to talk about.