19 Impossibly Tricky Interview Questions

    So getting a job is really hard now.

    1. "How does your difference make a difference?"

    2. “How do you fit a giraffe in a fridge?”

    3. “Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?”

    4. "How would you rate your memory?"

    5. “In a fight between a lion and a tiger, who would win and why?”

    6. “How would you explain Facebook to your Grandma?”

    7. "What makes you happy about work on a Friday evening?"

    8. "How many dogs in the world have the same exact number of hairs?"

    9. "Try to estimate the revenue from the sale of tickets at the 2012 Olympics."

    10. "Name as many uses for a brick as you can in one minute."

    11. "What do you think about when you are alone in your car?"

    12. "A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?"

    13. "Having an infinite supply of water and two containers, one for three litres and one for five litres, how would you measure four litres?"

    14. "Calculate the angle of two clock hands when the time is 11.50am."

    15. "On a scale from one to 10, rate me as an interviewer."

    16. “If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?”

    17. “How many basketballs can you fit in this room?”

    18. "How do they get the 'M' on M&Ms?"

    19. “What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria from your uncle?"

    Sources: The Huffington Post, CNBC, She Knows.