Older Sisters: Read This Post, Then Call Your Sister And Say Sorry

    It's time to take back all the mean stuff you did.

    1. Whenever you were forced to dress the same, you complained because you thought it was really lame.

    2. And you went through literally all her stuff every time she left the house.

    3. You never gave her anything she asked for.

    4. You abused the fact that your parents trusted you all. the. time.

    5. But when your fights went too far, you begged her not to tell on you.

    6. Even though you always told on her.

    7. You were weirdly competitive about showering at the very last minute, but also beating your sister to the bathroom.

    8. You were mortally offended every time someone told you that you looked alike.

    9. And sometimes you bit her hard enough to leave a mark.

    10. You never, ever shared your food.

    11. You never let her watch the TV shows she wanted to watch.

    12. And whenever you were watching TV together and a rude thing happened, you covered her eyes.

    13. You've made this face at her 100 times before:

    14. And you never got tired of playing pranks on her.

    15. You overreacted every time she tried to borrow your clothes.

    16. If you went to the same school, you pretended not to know her.

    17. You always took the best for yourself.

    18. And even though you loved her really, you never let her know.

    19. Because despite everything, you love her more than anyone else on this planet. 💞