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    10 Reasons to Vote Greens in Sydney

    The election on Saturday 2 July is an opportunity for our community to ensure that our values are represented in federal parliament into the future. The role of politicians is not to rule or tell other people what to do. It's to amplify the voices of social movements and the community. And Sydney is a place with a strong sense of community, where social movements thrive. Where people organise, and fight. So it’s not a question of if, but when Sydney will turn Green. Here are ten reasons why to vote Greens in Sydney this weekend.

    1. Smash the Patriarchy

    The Daily Telegraph described Greens candidate Sylvie Ellsmore as "a blue haired karate-chopping Greenie (who) wants to kung fu kick Labor's deputy leader Tanya Plibersek out of her seat." However, she's more focussed on smashing tories and the patriarchy.

    She stands up and fights for all women, especially the most vulnerable in our society- like Refugee women and women seeking Asylum. She stands alongside her non-binary and trans comrades too- fighting a system that privileges white, cis, able-bodied men.

    We do this by fighting for real action on domestic violence, to increase access to reproductive health services, compassion for women fleeing persecution and violence, amongst many other initiatives.

    Sylvie always makes room to mentor and listen to younger women- working and resisting together. Women united will never be defeated, step one to smashing the patriarchy.

    2. Compassion for People Seeking Asylum

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    Australia’s cruel policies towards people seeking asylum must change. Australia’s offshore detention policies are cruel and inhumane, and cost billions of dollars. Australia should be a welcoming country, and a sanctuary. The Greens plan will create safe pathways for those seeking asylum, and will immediately shut down detention centres and bring those languishing in them to Australia.

    At a time when there are more refugees internationally than there were during the height of World War II, boat arrivals are something many countries are facing. We must comply with our international obligations, treat those seeking asylum with humanity, and process them on shore.

    Off-shore processing means indefinite detention. And let’s call that a euphemism for what it actually is – indefinite imprisonment.

    Indefinite detention violates human rights and is in breach of international law. Indeed, the UN found Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers violates the Convention Against Torture. The Greens oppose mandatory detention. Close the camps and bring them here.

    3. A Clean Energy Future

    Coal is killing our planet, including the Great Barrier Reef. The Greens have a fully costed and tested plan to begin the transition to 100% renewable energy right now, bringing tens of thousands of new jobs and a new economy.

    The world is moving away from coal because of air pollution, climate change and the rise of renewable energy. There is a huge surplus of coal for sale, with many mines shutting down and the price of thermal coal plunging. It makes no sense to continue mining coal when the coal industry is in structural decline. There should be no new coal mines. We have a plan to phase out coal and switch to renewable energy.

    The real innovation plan starts right here. A sustainable future is possible.

    4. Free Education for All

    5. Stop WestConnex, invest in Public Transport!

    6. Treaties, Yeah!

    7. Marriage Equality + LGBTQI Rights

    8. A Hub of Culture, Innovation and Creativity

    A humming amateur, emerging and professional creative scene is integral to Sydney. Funding cuts to Arts organisations, late night lockouts and a lack of affordable venues all hold us back from our creative potential.

    From the White Rabbit Gallery to Oxford Arts Factory to Freda's- we need to fight to save Save Sydney, we want it to live up to it’s creative potential!

    9. Renters Rights & Affordable Housing

    We deserve a safe, secure affordable home. We need to fix our broken tax system, remove negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions, and invest in new public and affordable housing. The Greens plan will slash public housing waiting lists, reduce homelessness and provide renters with greater security against rent increases.

    Renting across the city is barely affordable. The Greens are the only major party calling for national minimum standards to protect security of tenure for renters, and to stop excessive rent increases.

    10. Cleaning up Politics

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    Big interests have too much power. Through political donations, well-funded scare campaigns and jobs for ex-politicians, corporations are buying our democracy. In NSW, the Greens successfully led the charge to strengthen donation laws and defend ICAC. Nationally, we will create a Federal ICAC, clean up political donations and enforce transparency.

    The Greens do not take political donations from the fossil fuel industry, which has donated $3.7 million to the two old parties over the last three years alone.