18 Women Share Their Black Girl Magic At Afropunk

    Here's how some women defined their superpower at Brooklyn's annual Afropunk festival.

    1. "My Intelligence."

    2. "Having the strength to love in the midst of all the chaos."

    3. "My <3 for math and science."

    4. "I can wear my hair in 1,000 different styles!"

    5. "No one can guess my age."

    6. "No matter if my hair is gray, blue, curly, straight, natural, or I want to dress as outlandish as possible, my black is always beautiful and accepted with my people."

    7. "Nobody can guess my nationality."

    8. "My resilience."

    9. "Being weird and nerdy af."

    10. "My magic is my freedom."

    11. "Dance battle queen."

    12. "My side-eye."

    13. "Attitude."

    14. "One drop of me makes you me = Power of creation."

    15. "It's all about the love!"

    16. "Teacher surrounded by the magic of my black girl squad."

    17. "Our power!"

    18. "Being given lemons and making chocolate chip cookies and leaving them wondering how I did it."