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16 Dog Posts From This Week That Made The World A Better, Stimkier Place

Two words: DOG. PROM.

1. These two doginis decided to go to prom together!!!!!!

twitter can be toxic sometimes so here’s a break from that. the therapy dogs at my school are going to prom together🥺

2. This meteorologist floof said it'll be partly sunny today, and I have every inclination to believe him:

3. This pupper responded to ~The Call of the Chips~:

4. Boone here did what Boone does best:

My cousin has an Instagram for his dog, Boone, who has over double the amount of followers I have because, well... I’ll just show you why🐶🍺🍺

5. These two played a ***THRILLING*** round of hide-and-seek:

my dog and i play hide and seek sometimes

6. HE SNUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Do you really let your dog sleep in the bed with you??” Me:

7. Smol bean sat on LORG bean (bag):

look at my dogs average sized nutsack

8. This v handsome therapy dog at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School posed for his yearbook picture!!!

Including the therapy/service dogs in the yearbook is the best decision we’ve made so far like this one dog had a bowtie and my heart 😭💗💕

9. Norton here had an EXTRA SPECIAL hydrotherapy birthday session!!!!!!!!

This is Norton. On his fourteenth birthday his hydrotherapy session received a pupgrade. 14/10 arthritis doesn’t stand a chance #SeniorPupSaturday

10. This big ol' stimk took a DNA test — turns out he's 87.5% GRAY 👏 WOLF!!! 👏

A bad dog owner dumped this wolfdog at a kill shelter when he got too big and too much to handle. Luckily a sanctuary took him instead and saved his life! His DNA testing came back as 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, and 3.9 % German Shepherd 🐺🐶

11. HE!!! CRAVE!!!!!!!! THE!!!!!!!!!!! NUGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He protec He attac He eat your dinner when you turn your bac

12. Check out this very exclusive, never-before-seen cuddle footage:

I saw this on reddit and I’ve watched it a minimum of 27 times and every single time it has only gotten better and exceeded my expectations

13. Boomer showed off his exceptional work of expressionism art!!!!!!!

14. Ringo here went *boop beep*:

Ringo has learned to turn the Xbox on and off, and now he does it every time he wants to go outside

15. I call this one "The HOWL in One" 😏:

This is Dale. He’s an excellent golfer. Still hasn’t figured out where the ball goes, but that’s okay. 14/10 would caddie for anytime

16. And lastly, I'll leave you with this very, very goob thought:

sometimes. the human needs a break from the world. so i grab my leash. drop it in their hand. and we take a walk. where all we have to focus on. is putting one paw in front of the other