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14 Dog Posts From This Week That Are (Probably) Scientifically Proven To Make You Happier

*breathes in* So goooooooob *breathes out*

1. This pupper said he loves you no matter who you love, and then SAID IT LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK!!!!!!!!!

Happy #PrideMonth everyone! If your pup is sporting rainbow or simply loves more than anything else, use #PrideMonthPuppo for a chance to be featured over the next few weeks 🐶🏳️‍🌈

2. This smol husker got neutered and this photo perfectly captured the aftermath:


not sure this is what @lizzo had in mind when she made this song but we're here for it

4. This pup did a h*ckin' FRIGHTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I find out who has been spending all my money

5. Volta here enjoyed her leisure time:

Idk if people believe me when I say Volta hangs out in the pool in her leisure time so I got it on video today

6. These two were the absolute goobest of friends — you hate to see it!!!!!!!!

This is Boris and Doug. They’ve been best friends since the day they met. Boris likes to count Doug’s spots but always loses track. That’s ok Boris. Both 14/10

7. This doggo made fun of me for only having two brain cells:

8. He ~WAG~:

9. HE HOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. Lacey here celebrated Pride Month in the cutest (and most colorful!!!!!!!!!!!) way possible:

This is Lacey. She wouldn’t finish crossing until you got all her best angles. Her single eyebrow is on point and the people need to know. 14/10 #PrideMonthPuppo

11. This pocket-sized pupper was spotted:

12. This lil' pupperini found his forever home!!!!!!!!!!

This is Norman. He was just rescued. Heading home for the very first time. Going to do his best to rescue you now. 12/10 wonderful start

13. This lil' dogini explored an alternative method of stair-climbing:

My six-month-old puppy learned how to walk down the stairs by watching her brother. Her brother only has three legs. This is the end result 😂

14. And finally, the purest and happiest picture in HISTORY was taken: