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15 Dog Posts From This Week That'll Make You Say, "I Think I Need 10 More Dogs"

*dives into local fountain to pet big Soakin' Stimk™*


2. This thicc loaf took a SOOOOOOOOOAK:

This is Ron. He reserved the fountain for his pool party this evening but nobody showed up. Still hoping they’re on their way. 13/10 sit tight Ron i’m coming

3. I think I speak for us all when I say we did, indeed, appreciate this:

take a minute to appreciate what I just saw on the road.

4. This cheetah looked rather.......stimky...?

5. Waffles here requested paw pets and was very displeased when they ceased:

Waffles loves for me to pet his paws, whenever I stop he gets serious, and whenever I pet him he smiles 😂😍

6. The end of Homeward Bound was basically re-created:

This man was told his lost dog was spotted in a local field. This is what happened when he picked him up 😂

7. "The Dog Cage Song" bumped through speakers everywhere:

Tha dog cage song..coming to Spotify,iTunes and Tidle soon

8. These perfect post-walk snoozles were captured on film:

this video of Lenny after a walk is very important

9. This lil' stimkini didn't let ANYTHING stop him!!!!!!!!!

My dogs back legs were paralyzed last month, but I don’t think he knows yet so don’t tell him 😂😂😂

10. We as a society decided that Lizzo's song "Boys" will now be stylized as "BOYES." Thank you for understanding:

i now present to you...the best tiktok EVER made

11. This glow-up SHOOK 👏 US 👏 TO 👏 OUR 👏 HUMBLE 👏 CORES 👏:


The highest stick to dog ratio I've ever seen.

13. HE ATTACC!!!!!!!!!!!!

14. HE!!! FOUND!!!!!! A!!!!!!!!! CLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15. And lastly, this lil' nug got ***~~~CoMfY~~~***:

in case you don’t have me on snap..he tucks himself in when he’s ready for bed ♥️